O16, H61 🆔
Typeplot > Octagons > O16, H61 🆔
Summary > ST6 +💧 Friends 比肩 PWR1 Peer 🔭


Inner Sincerity 中孚 ䷼(信任) O16, H61 🆔 Trust

Pursuit of inner truth. Being true to your values. Gain the trust of others.

Internal, Core, Central, Faithfulness, Confidence, Belief, Trustworthiness, Self-Interest, Inner Truth, Inner Nature, Inner Meaning, Limited Comprehension, Personal Relevance, Importance, Relativity, Perceptual Standpoint, Perspectives, Interpretations, Perspective, Insight

Todo > ST6 - ❄️ Rob Wealth 劫财 PWR2 Leader 🚀
Hidden Influence O16, H61 🆔

Whilst moving onward take a moment to realize the hidden potential within. All our decisions are essentially the byproduct of our experiences. We avoid harm and try to keep things the same. Safety by staying still is not an option because nothing stays static for long. All things are born with blueprints inside. Make sure you are true to yourself regardless of what is happening around you by taking some time to yourself. This cannot be avoided so it is best to simply respond rather than to overreact.

Nourishment 頤 ䷚(培育) O30, H27 📥 Nurture

Decency 歸妹 ䷵(风化) O48, H54 🧰 Subordinate
Perseverance 恆 ䷟(毅力) O43, H32 ⏱ Commit
Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy

Important > ST6 - 🔒 Indirect Resource 偏印 PWR3 Philosopher 🔋
Underlying Cause O16, H61 🆔

Right now, it's advisable to keep a low profile and take care of minor issues while minimizing exposure. The moment has come to put your skills to the test, helping you discover who you are. You don't have to subordinate your wishes. Life will push you back towards your path however uncomfortable it may be.

Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve

Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy
Decency 歸妹 ䷵(风化) O48, H54 🧰 Subordinate
Perseverance 恆 ䷟(毅力) O43, H32 ⏱ Commit

Quote > ST6 + 🔑 Direct Resource 正印 PWR4 Analyzer ✏️
Line 1 Changes O16, H61 🆔 🌊 Time

You will never feel at peace if you are always worrying what other people are doing. If you need it, get assistance.

Dispersion 渙 ䷺(分散) O11, H59 ⏳ Flow

☵ Hidden | Visible T3 Water 坎 Kan 🌊

Control 節 ䷻(控制) O24, H60 📛 Regulate
Mutual Helpfulness 井 ䷯(鼓舞) O19, H48 🚀 Inspire
Inner Sincerity 中孚 ䷼(信任) O16, H61 🆔 Trust
Penetration 巽 ䷸(穿透) O9, H57 📹 Penetrate

Question > ST6 - 🏝 Indirect Power 偏官 PWR5 Warrior 🧭
Line 2 Changes O16, H61 🆔 ⚡️ Energy

You meet a new individual who demonstrates to you how to achieve your goals. Your future is now in your hands.

Increase 益 ䷩(增加) O14, H42 📈 Expand

☳ Half | Full T6 Thunder 震 Zhen ⚡️

Decency 歸妹 ䷵(风化) O48, H54 🧰 Subordinate
Perseverance 恆 ䷟(毅力) O43, H32 ⏱ Commit
Inner Sincerity 中孚 ䷼(信任) O16, H61 🆔 Trust
Penetration 巽 ䷸(穿透) O9, H57 📹 Penetrate

Attention > ST6 + 📦 Direct Power 正官 PWR6 Diplomat 📥
Line 3 Changes O16, H61 🆔 🌌 Space

Take guidance from a higher authority because there is not much you can do on your own right now. Your interpersonal connections are what make you strong.

Taming Force 小畜 ䷈(出产) O10, H9 📊 Yield

☰ Real | False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌

Tread Wisely 履 ䷉(谨慎) O8, H10 🚸 Cautious Advance
Coming Together 姤 ䷫(遇到) O2, H44 🧬 Encounter
Inner Sincerity 中孚 ䷼(信任) O16, H61 🆔 Trust
Penetration 巽 ䷸(穿透) O9, H57 📹 Penetrate

Missing > ST6 - 🌟 Indirect Wealth 偏财 PWR7 Pioneer 📡
Line 4 Changes O16, H61 🆔 🌌 Space

You must take your own course. There will be news that uplifts or depresses you, and other people's actions might influence your attitude. Realistically, you have no control over this.

Tread Wisely 履 ䷉(谨慎) O8, H10 🚸 Cautious Advance

☰ Real | False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌

Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
Excess 大過 ䷛(过剩) O59, H28 🎛 Adjust
Tread Wisely 履 ䷉(谨慎) O8, H10 🚸 Cautious Advance
Coming Together 姤 ䷫(遇到) O2, H44 🧬 Encounter

Danger > ST6 + 🔆 Direct Wealth 正财 PWR8 Director ☯️
Line 5 Changes O16, H61 🆔 🏔 Time

Your insight will be accurate, and you'll be able to put your thoughts into practice. Prove your critics wrong if they think you're weak.

Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate

☶ Seemly | Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔

Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
Excess 大過 ䷛(过剩) O59, H28 🎛 Adjust
Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy

Bug > ST6 + 🌟 Eating God 食神 PWR9 Artist 🧩
Line 6 Changes O16, H61 🆔 🌊 Time

Why continue in this manner? Instead of criticizing yourself, you should focus on your strengths.

Control 節 ䷻(控制) O24, H60 📛 Regulate

☵ Hidden | Visible T3 Water 坎 Kan 🌊

Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
Excess 大過 ䷛(过剩) O59, H28 🎛 Adjust
Control 節 ䷻(控制) O24, H60 📛 Regulate
Mutual Helpfulness 井 ䷯(鼓舞) O19, H48 🚀 Inspire

Example > ST6 - 🧮 Hurting Officer 伤管 PWR10 Performer 📹
Octagons O16, H61 🆔

O16 🆔 Octagons

Trigrams O16, H61 🆔

☱ Difficult / Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
☴ Honest / Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨

Pillars O16, H61 🆔 > Pillar Logic

Forms Connections with other Main Pillars

Forecast O16, H61 🆔 > Matter

M8- Temporary Handicap 甲辛 - 青龙折足

EB6 巳 Si - EB10 酉 You (-6) (+5)

EB6 - EB10

EB10 酉 You - EB5 辰 Chen (-4) (+3)

EB10 - EB5