O25, H52 ⚓️
Typeplot > Octagons > O25, H52 ⚓️
Summary > ST6 +💧 Friends 比肩 PWR1 Peer 🔭


Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider

Deal with hard problems now so next time you're able to cope. Make adjustments, temporarily suspend operations, experiences and lessons should be summed up.

Check, Restrain, Keeping Still, Mountain, Restraint, Resist, Confine, Define, Discipline, To Hold Against Change, Honest, Straightforward, Anchored, Rooted, Grounded, Concentration, Introspection, Meditation, The Matter at Hand, Silence, Integrity, Principle

Todo > ST6 - ❄️ Rob Wealth 劫财 PWR2 Leader 🚀
Hidden Influence O25, H52 ⚓️

Rid yourself of the impulses that compel you to be perpetually occupied but prevent you from completing essential tasks. It's time to develop discipline and the skills necessary to conquer your fear and anxiety. Ignore everything that is happening around you. Sometimes taking a break from work is a good idea before starting up again.

Removing Obstacles 解 ䷧(解开) O44, H40 🪢 Untangle

Ceasing Movement 蹇 ䷦(明白) O20, H39 🎯 Clear
Inexperience 蒙 ䷃(尝试) O28, H4 ❓ Try Again
Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve
Nourishment 頤 ䷚(培育) O30, H27 📥 Nurture

Important > ST6 - 🔒 Indirect Resource 偏印 PWR3 Philosopher 🔋
Underlying Cause O25, H52 ⚓️

Gather your thoughts, stay still, and inwardly focus before engaging in activities and connecting with others. Someone is not behaving how you would expect them to in this circumstance. It's possible that you also may have to pause everything and clear your head. It doesn't matter what your inquiry is; you have to pause and remain quiet right now.

Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage

Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate

Quote > ST6 + 🔑 Direct Resource 正印 PWR4 Analyzer ✏️
Line 1 Changes O25, H52 ⚓️ 🔥 Matter

If you want to give yourself the best chance of reaching your goals, make sure your foundations are firm. Work on nurturing your inner strength and making it stronger now because that will help you in the future.

Adornment 賁 ䷕(接受) O31, H22 ✨ Accept

☲ Big | Small T7 Fire 離 Li 🔥

Wanderer 旅 ䷷(探索) O53, H56 🎫 Explore
Adornment 賁 ䷕(接受) O31, H22 ✨ Accept
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider

Question > ST6 - 🏝 Indirect Power 偏官 PWR5 Warrior 🧭
Line 2 Changes O25, H52 ⚓️ 💨 Space

It takes a lot of hard work to save others but you can easily save yourself. Trust in your own instincts and try to keep an open mind.

Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy

☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨

Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider

Attention > ST6 + 📦 Direct Power 正官 PWR6 Diplomat 📥
Line 3 Changes O25, H52 ⚓️ 🌎 Energy

Try focusing on your positive qualities and do something to make yourself proud. Nobody said it was going to be easy, but know that you'll feel a lot better when you're done.

Splitting Apart 剝 ䷖(修剪) O29, H23 ✂️ Trim

☷ Improper | Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎

Modesty 謙 ䷎(谦虚) O37, H15 ⚖️ Balance
Splitting Apart 剝 ䷖(修剪) O29, H23 ✂️ Trim
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider

Missing > ST6 - 🌟 Indirect Wealth 偏财 PWR7 Pioneer 📡
Line 4 Changes O25, H52 ⚓️ 🔥 Matter

Take a break if you're feeling stressed out. Relaxing and meditating, reflecting on the present and looking back at past memories can help ease your tension levels.

Wanderer 旅 ䷷(探索) O53, H56 🎫 Explore

☲ Big | Small T7 Fire 離 Li 🔥

Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Wanderer 旅 ䷷(探索) O53, H56 🎫 Explore
Adornment 賁 ䷕(接受) O31, H22 ✨ Accept

Danger > ST6 + 🔆 Direct Wealth 正财 PWR8 Director ☯️
Line 5 Changes O25, H52 ⚓️ 💨 Space

Take it easy; things are going slowly. Don't say something you'll regret afterwards.

Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom

☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨

Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy

Bug > ST6 + 🌟 Eating God 食神 PWR9 Artist 🧩
Line 6 Changes O25, H52 ⚓️ 🌎 Energy

Your goals will succeed if you are polite and generous to others. Maintaining objectivity should be your goal.
Modesty 謙 ䷎(谦虚) O37, H15 ⚖️ Balance

☷ Improper | Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎

Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Modesty 謙 ䷎(谦虚) O37, H15 ⚖️ Balance
Splitting Apart 剝 ䷖(修剪) O29, H23 ✂️ Trim

Example > ST6 - 🧮 Hurting Officer 伤管 PWR10 Performer 📹
Octagons O25, H52 ⚓️

O25 ⚓️ Octagons

Trigrams O25, H52 ⚓️

☶ Seemly / Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔

Pillars O25, H52 ⚓️ > Pillar Logic

PL26 Wu Yin 戊寅 PL26 Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider

Forecast O25, H52 ⚓️ > Matter

M45- Blocked Out 戊戊 - 青龙伏吟

EB2 丑 Chou - EB2 丑 Chou (-6) (+1)

EB2 - EB2

EB2 丑 Chou - EB3 寅 Yin (-4) (+2)

EB2 - EB3

EB3 寅 Yin - EB2 丑 Chou (-5) (+2)

EB3 - EB2

EB3 寅 Yin - EB3 寅 Yin (-6) (+2)

EB3 - EB3