Taming Power of the Great, Controlled Power, Great Amassing, Civilizing, Storing Up, Husbandry, Preparation, Training, Gathering Knowledge, Stewardship, Inheritance, Responsibility, Discipline, Inhibition, Investing in Potential, Commanding Wealth, Property & Destiny
The strong need not disclose their strength. The weak rush about doing so. Become strong by embodying the resolve and unwavering stability of a mountain. Timing is essential for optimal manifestation. Quiet strength overcomes all that is uncertain.
■ ■ Decency 歸妹 ䷵(风化) O48, H54 🧰 Subordinate
■ ■ Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Great Power 大壯 ䷡(刺激) O42, H34 🔌 Invigorate
■ ■ Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve
It is now possible to constructively use everything that has been learnt through dedication and stillness. When used to benefit others, intentionality is incredibly powerful. Our message is strengthened. Hold steadfastly and firmly to enable others draw power from your capabilities.
■ ■ Innocence 無妄 ䷘(无辜) O6, H25 📖 Open
■ ■ Great Power 大壯 ䷡(刺激) O42, H34 🔌 Invigorate
■ ■ Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve
■ ■ Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
■ ■ Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
Turn down any challenges that come your way and get away from any fights you might get mixed up in. Circumstances are currently preventing you from moving forward, but they'll soon change.
■ ■ Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy
■ ☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨
■ ■ Taming Force 小畜 ䷈(出产) O10, H9 📊 Yield
■ ■ Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
■ ■ Great Accumulation 大畜 ䷙(放大) O26, H26 🏛 Amplify
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
There has been a breakdown in relationships. Avoid attempting to outdo others. You can address the issue if you identify its root cause.
■ ■ Adornment 賁 ䷕(接受) O31, H22 ✨ Accept
■ ☲ Big | Small T7 Fire 離 Li 🔥
■ ■ Abundance 大有 ䷍(丰富) O50, H14 ℹ️ Shine
■ ■ Wanderer 旅 ䷷(探索) O53, H56 🎫 Explore
■ ■ Great Accumulation 大畜 ䷙(放大) O26, H26 🏛 Amplify
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Take note that you will need to do some repetitive work for the next few hours but it will be worth it in the end. You'll have time on your hands after finishing this task: enough time to explore some creative ideas. The biggest obstacle is gone, but take care not to miss anything important.
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
■ ☱ Difficult | Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
■ ■ Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Great Accumulation 大畜 ䷙(放大) O26, H26 🏛 Amplify
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Prepare yourself. You will have to carry a lot of weight, and face difficult situations soon.
■ ■ Abundance 大有 ䷍(丰富) O50, H14 ℹ️ Shine
■ ☲ Big | Small T7 Fire 離 Li 🔥
■ ■ Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
■ ■ Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
■ ■ Abundance 大有 ䷍(丰富) O50, H14 ℹ️ Shine
■ ■ Wanderer 旅 ䷷(探索) O53, H56 🎫 Explore
The past is gone and cannot harm you anymore. It’s time to let go of any lingering doubts; start focusing on the future. It’s better not to talk about your plans or your thoughts with others.
■ ■ Taming Force 小畜 ䷈(出产) O10, H9 📊 Yield
■ ☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨
■ ■ Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
■ ■ Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
■ ■ Taming Force 小畜 ䷈(出产) O10, H9 📊 Yield
■ ■ Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
Don’t judge others. You can always improve yourself and get what you want.
■ ■ Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix
■ ☷ Improper | Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎
■ ■ Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
■ ■ Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
■ ■ Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix
■ ■ Modesty 謙 ䷎(谦虚) O37, H15 ⚖️ Balance
■ ■ O26 🏛 Octagons
■ ☰ Real / False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌
■ ☶ Seemly / Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔
PL30 Wu Xu 戊戌 PL30 ■ ■ Great Accumulation 大畜 ䷙(放大) O26, H26 🏛 Amplify
■ ■ EB2 - EB12
■ ■ EB3 - EB11
■ ■ EB11 - EB2
■ ■ EB12 - EB3