O27, H18 💊
Typeplot > Octagons > O27, H18 💊
Summary > ST6 +💧 Friends 比肩 PWR1 Peer 🔭


Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy

Find the hidden cause. You'll need to journey into unknown territory.

Fixation, Toxic Ideas, Pathologies, Working on What Has Been Spoiled, Repair, Restoration, Poison, Rot, Righting Wrongs, Antidote, Clearing the Air, Curing, Atrophy, Festering, Decadence, Stirring Up & Reforming

Todo > ST6 - ❄️ Rob Wealth 劫财 PWR2 Leader 🚀
Hidden Influence O27, H18 💊

You must be aware of how heavily dependent on other people you are if you want to succeed. Mutually beneficial outcomes are the foundation of all partnerships. Before producing a product, you must examine the demand. You might have to compromise on your own objectives in order to meet the demands of someone else.

Decency 歸妹 ䷵(风化) O48, H54 🧰 Subordinate

Excess 大過 ䷛(过剩) O59, H28 🎛 Adjust
Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
Perseverance 恆 ䷟(毅力) O43, H32 ⏱ Commit
Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve

Important > ST6 - 🔒 Indirect Resource 偏印 PWR3 Philosopher 🔋
Underlying Cause O27, H18 💊

If you want to succeed, current methods have to be completely revised. Following conservative methods and patterns of work might result in subpar work and design. It's time to get rid of the past and get ready for the future. Plan ahead to prevent degradation before it begins. To prevent further decline it is important to keep with the ongoing pace of innovation and change.

Following 隨 ䷐(跟随) O63, H17 👣 Show By Example

Perseverance 恆 ䷟(毅力) O43, H32 ⏱ Commit
Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve
Excess 大過 ䷛(过剩) O59, H28 🎛 Adjust
Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo

Quote > ST6 + 🔑 Direct Resource 正印 PWR4 Analyzer ✏️
Line 1 Changes O27, H18 💊 🌌 Space

Take counsel at this trying time, and be aware that not all those in positions of power are trustworthy.

Great Accumulation 大畜 ䷙(放大) O26, H26 🏛 Amplify

☰ Real | False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌

Coming Together 姤 ䷫(遇到) O2, H44 🧬 Encounter
Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider

Question > ST6 - 🏝 Indirect Power 偏官 PWR5 Warrior 🧭
Line 2 Changes O27, H18 💊 🏔 Time

It is necessary to be considerately careful. Avoid doing anything rash that can harm others.

Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider

☶ Seemly | Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔

Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider

Attention > ST6 + 📦 Direct Power 正官 PWR6 Diplomat 📥
Line 3 Changes O27, H18 💊 🌊 Time

Stick to your own principles and complete what you have begun rather than bending over backward to fit into new circumstances.

Inexperience 蒙 ䷃(尝试) O28, H4 ❓ Try Again

☵ Hidden | Visible T3 Water 坎 Kan 🌊

Mutual Helpfulness 井 ䷯(鼓舞) O19, H48 🚀 Inspire
Ceasing Movement 蹇 ䷦(明白) O20, H39 🎯 Clear
Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy
Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider

Missing > ST6 - 🌟 Indirect Wealth 偏财 PWR7 Pioneer 📡
Line 4 Changes O27, H18 💊 🔥 Matter

You will get confused and embarrassed if you keep acting in this way. It is necessary to address issues that have historical foundations.

Establishing 鼎 ䷱(建立) O51, H50 ⚗️ Refine

☲ Big | Small T7 Fire 離 Li 🔥

Penetration 巽 ䷸(穿透) O9, H57 📹 Penetrate
Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
Establishing 鼎 ䷱(建立) O51, H50 ⚗️ Refine
Wanderer 旅 ䷷(探索) O53, H56 🎫 Explore

Danger > ST6 + 🔆 Direct Wealth 正财 PWR8 Director ☯️
Line 5 Changes O27, H18 💊 💨 Space

When handling others, be positive. You can accomplish your goal and rise in rank and power. Even if a new beginning is not possible, you may still get assistance to improve the situation.

Penetration 巽 ䷸(穿透) O9, H57 📹 Penetrate

☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨

Penetration 巽 ䷸(穿透) O9, H57 📹 Penetrate
Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
Penetration 巽 ䷸(穿透) O9, H57 📹 Penetrate
Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy

Bug > ST6 + 🌟 Eating God 食神 PWR9 Artist 🧩
Line 6 Changes O27, H18 💊 🌎 Energy

It may be better for you to stay out of things and let the world go on its own for a time since not everyone needs to become engaged in the problems of the world. To determine what is meaningful, you must contemplate life and examine your inner self.

Ascending 升 ䷭(上升) O35, H46 🧗 Mount

☷ Improper | Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎

Penetration 巽 ䷸(穿透) O9, H57 📹 Penetrate
Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
Contemplation 觀 ䷓(沉思) O13, H20 💭 View
Modesty 謙 ䷎(谦虚) O37, H15 ⚖️ Balance

Example > ST6 - 🧮 Hurting Officer 伤管 PWR10 Performer 📹
Octagons O27, H18 💊

O27 💊 Octagons

Trigrams O27, H18 💊

☴ Honest / Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨
☶ Seemly / Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔

Pillars O27, H18 💊 > Pillar Logic

PL27 Wu Chen 戊辰 PL27 Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy

Forecast O27, H18 💊 > Matter

M41- Setting Limits 戊甲 - 地克青龙

EB2 丑 Chou - EB6 巳 Si (-7) (+3)

EB2 - EB6

EB3 寅 Yin - EB5 辰 Chen (-5) (+0)

EB3 - EB5

EB5 辰 Chen - EB2 丑 Chou (-6) (+4)

EB5 - EB2

EB6 巳 Si - EB3 寅 Yin (-5) (+3)

EB6 - EB3