Sport, Competition, Lively Debate, Litigation, Contention, Free Speech, Lawsuit, Arbitration, Demanding Justice, Speaking Out, Strife, Avoiding Conflict, Fighting, Psychic Struggle, Stress, Dispute, Challenge, Consideration, Friction, Advocacy, Partiality, Ambivalence, Approach toward Conflicts, Contest, Diplomacy, Course Corrections
The situation can be helped by talking about expectations and deciding on duties. It will be useful to discuss about what you hope to achieve and how long it should last.
■ ■ Family 家人 ䷤(帮) O15, H37 🏠 Support
■ ■ Unfinished 未濟 ䷿(完成前) O52, H64 🔜 Prepare
■ ■ Abundance 大有 ䷍(丰富) O50, H14 ℹ️ Shine
■ ■ Dispersion 渙 ䷺(分散) O11, H59 ⏳ Flow
■ ■ Taming Force 小畜 ䷈(出产) O10, H9 📊 Yield
Some situations call for us to stay out of controversy and mask our authentic values, but it might well have resulted from a self centered mentality. Instead of keeping quiet, it's critical to address and resolve any differences.
■ ■ Repressed 明夷 ䷣(压抑) O39, H36 🧠 Reignite
■ ■ Unfinished 未濟 ䷿(完成前) O52, H64 🔜 Prepare
■ ■ Abundance 大有 ䷍(丰富) O50, H14 ℹ️ Shine
■ ■ Group Action 師 ䷆(纠正) O36, H7 ✅ Correct
■ ■ Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix
Disputes may be avoided by resolving disagreements by addressing potential issues. Say what is necessary and leave the situation to reduce the likelihood that it will cause more conflict.
■ ■ Tread Wisely 履 ䷉(谨慎) O8, H10 🚸 Cautious Advance
■ ☱ Difficult | Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
■ ■ Exhaustion 困 ䷮(适应) O60, H47 🔋 Adapt
■ ■ Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough
■ ■ Conflict 訟 ䷅(保持) O3, H6 ✊ Keep
■ ■ Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
It is pointless to argue. Best to turn back and go to where other avenues are open and take another route.
■ ■ Standstill 否 ䷋(放出) O5, H12 ⌚ Release
■ ☷ Improper | Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎
■ ■ Group Action 師 ䷆(纠正) O36, H7 ✅ Correct
■ ■ Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix
■ ■ Conflict 訟 ䷅(保持) O3, H6 ✊ Keep
■ ■ Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
Take advantage of prior work done to bolster your accomplishments. You'll be able to complete your tasks, but don't count on receiving much praise.
■ ■ Coming Together 姤 ䷫(遇到) O2, H44 🧬 Encounter
■ ☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨
■ ■ Dispersion 渙 ䷺(分散) O11, H59 ⏳ Flow
■ ■ Taming Force 小畜 ䷈(出产) O10, H9 📊 Yield
■ ■ Conflict 訟 ䷅(保持) O3, H6 ✊ Keep
■ ■ Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
Don't act, turn away, don't argue. Embracing other opportunities will yield better fortunes.
■ ■ Dispersion 渙 ䷺(分散) O11, H59 ⏳ Flow
■ ☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨
■ ■ Danger 坎 ䷜(保护) O17, H29 🌵 Protect
■ ■ Waiting 需 ䷄(发现) O18, H5 🔭 Find
■ ■ Dispersion 渙 ䷺(分散) O11, H59 ⏳ Flow
■ ■ Taming Force 小畜 ䷈(出产) O10, H9 📊 Yield
Take action right away and get fantastic results. You'll be able to make amends for prior errors.
■ ■ Unfinished 未濟 ䷿(完成前) O52, H64 🔜 Prepare
■ ☲ Big | Small T7 Fire 離 Li 🔥
■ ■ Danger 坎 ䷜(保护) O17, H29 🌵 Protect
■ ■ Waiting 需 ䷄(发现) O18, H5 🔭 Find
■ ■ Unfinished 未濟 ䷿(完成前) O52, H64 🔜 Prepare
■ ■ Abundance 大有 ䷍(丰富) O50, H14 ℹ️ Shine
You may seem to be winning, but this is temporary. All the gains and rewards will be taken away and bring you nothing in the end.
■ ■ Exhaustion 困 ䷮(适应) O60, H47 🔋 Adapt
■ ☱ Difficult | Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
■ ■ Danger 坎 ䷜(保护) O17, H29 🌵 Protect
■ ■ Waiting 需 ䷄(发现) O18, H5 🔭 Find
■ ■ Exhaustion 困 ䷮(适应) O60, H47 🔋 Adapt
■ ■ Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough
■ ■ O3 ✊ Octagons
■ ☵ Hidden / Visible T3 Water 坎 Kan 🌊
■ ☰ Real / False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌
PL37 Geng Zi 庚子 PL37 ■ ■ Conflict 訟 ䷅(保持) O3, H6 ✊ Keep
M69- Outright Rejection 庚壬 - 太白退位
M70- Examine Obstruction 庚癸 - 大格反吟
■ ■ EB1 - EB11
■ ■ EB12 - EB1