Diminish, Diminution, To Reduce, Loss, Reduction, Economize, Scaling Back, Avoiding Excess, Contraction, Concentration, Subtraction, Doing More With Less, Less Dilution, Wear and Tear, Depreciation, Keeping the Good, Sacrificing
This is the moment to reflect and develop a realistic strategy by going within and expressing hidden aspirations. Be mindful of the superfluous and prune what is unneeded. Sometimes doing less and performing a cleanup is the right course of action. You might need to make sacrifices in one area of your life so that you can put greater effort into another.
■ ■ Returning 復 ䷗(返回) O38, H24 🔗 Go Back
■ ■ Decency 歸妹 ䷵(风化) O48, H54 🧰 Subordinate
■ ■ Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve
■ ■ Approach 臨 ䷒(途径) O40, H19 🗺 Advance
■ ■ Modesty 謙 ䷎(谦虚) O37, H15 ⚖️ Balance
Moving backwards seems to be the best course of action. It's time to look back and reflect on how the situation is moving in set patterns. Although what seems to be a regression is actually life that continues to move forward by turning inward, where the moment of blossoming is followed by a fall. The only path to growth is via reduction. Pay attention to the environment you are in.
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
■ ■ Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
Complete your work and go on your way. Be prepared to give assistance when needed.
■ ■ Inexperience 蒙 ䷃(尝试) O28, H4 ❓ Try Again
■ ☱ Difficult | Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
■ ■ Control 節 ䷻(控制) O24, H60 📛 Regulate
■ ■ Ceasing Movement 蹇 ䷦(明白) O20, H39 🎯 Clear
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
If you want to serve others, keep your own dignity intact. Recognize your shortcomings and take corrective action.
■ ■ Nourishment 頤 ䷚(培育) O30, H27 📥 Nurture
■ ☳ Half | Full T6 Thunder 震 Zhen ⚡️
■ ■ Decency 歸妹 ䷵(风化) O48, H54 🧰 Subordinate
■ ■ Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
A close relationship between two people is conceivable; whereas a third party only brings jealousy and resentment.
■ ■ Great Accumulation 大畜 ䷙(放大) O26, H26 🏛 Amplify
■ ☰ Real | False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌
■ ■ Tread Wisely 履 ䷉(谨慎) O8, H10 🚸 Cautious Advance
■ ■ Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
Behave well, and you will quickly win over others.
■ ■ Diversity 睽 ䷥(多样) O56, H38 ☯️ Accommodate
■ ☲ Big | Small T7 Fire 離 Li 🔥
■ ■ Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Diversity 睽 ䷥(多样) O56, H38 ☯️ Accommodate
■ ■ Wanderer 旅 ䷷(探索) O53, H56 🎫 Explore
You are due for some good fortune because fate is in control of your life.
■ ■ Inner Sincerity 中孚 ䷼(信任) O16, H61 🆔 Trust
■ ☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨
■ ■ Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Inner Sincerity 中孚 ䷼(信任) O16, H61 🆔 Trust
■ ■ Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
Enhancing your life will enhance the lives of everyone around you since what you achieve benefits everyone, not just yourself.
■ ■ Approach 臨 ䷒(途径) O40, H19 🗺 Advance
■ ☷ Improper | Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎
■ ■ Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Approach 臨 ䷒(途径) O40, H19 🗺 Advance
■ ■ Modesty 謙 ䷎(谦虚) O37, H15 ⚖️ Balance
■ ■ O32 📉 Octagons
■ ☱ Difficult / Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
■ ☶ Seemly / Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔
Forms Connections with other Main Pillars
M48± Evaluate Approach 戊辛 - 青龙相侵
■ ■ EB3 - EB10
■ ■ EB10 - EB2