O36, H7 ✅
Typeplot > Octagons > O36, H7 ✅
Summary > ST6 +💧 Friends 比肩 PWR1 Peer 🔭


Group Action 師 ䷆(纠正) O36, H7 ✅ Correct

When the need arises a leader raises those around to accomplish the objective. Use your authority to ensure correct measures are taken.

Liquidity, Solvency, Discipline, Mobile & Fungible Assets, Coalition, Army, Honor, Loyalty, Solidarity, Integrity, Leadership, Massing of Force, Hedging, Ready Reserves, Common Cause, War

Todo > ST6 - ❄️ Rob Wealth 劫财 PWR2 Leader 🚀
Hidden Influence O36, H7 ✅

Concentrate your efforts on proper structure and discipline. Establish clear procedures and assign tasks. Be self-disciplined enough to let logic and planning take precedence over feelings. Focus on strengthening your willpower rather than relying on emotions to dictate your behavior.

Returning 復 ䷗(返回) O38, H24 🔗 Go Back

Removing Obstacles 解 ䷧(解开) O44, H40 🪢 Untangle
Harmony 豫 ䷏(和谐) O46, H16 🔊 Excite
Group Action 師 ䷆(纠正) O36, H7 ✅ Correct
Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect

Important > ST6 - 🔒 Indirect Resource 偏印 PWR3 Philosopher 🔋
Underlying Cause O36, H7 ✅

To understand more about what you can offer, establish your core principles among the group through social interactions. Strike a balance between your aspirations and the necessity to live up to expectations. Your thoughts will become more coherent if you organize them. The person you are paired with may dominate and exert influence over the situation.

Companionship 同人䷌(友谊) O7, H13 📁 Organize

Unfinished 未濟 ䷿(完成前) O52, H64 🔜 Prepare
Progress 晉 ䷢(进步) O54, H35 🚦 Enlighten
Conflict 訟 ䷅(保持) O3, H6 ✊ Keep
Standstill 否 ䷋(放出) O5, H12 ⌚ Release

Quote > ST6 + 🔑 Direct Resource 正印 PWR4 Analyzer ✏️
Line 1 Changes O36, H7 ✅ ❄️ Matter

Keep in mind that following the rules is important, but don't allow them stand in the way of what has to be done.

Approach 臨 ䷒(途径) O40, H19 🗺 Advance

☱ Difficult | Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️

Exhaustion 困 ䷮(适应) O60, H47 🔋 Adapt
Gathering Together 萃 ䷬(联播) O62, H45 🤝 Network
Group Action 師 ䷆(纠正) O36, H7 ✅ Correct
Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect

Question > ST6 - 🏝 Indirect Power 偏官 PWR5 Warrior 🧭
Line 2 Changes O36, H7 ✅ 🌎 Energy

Three incidents will demonstrate how people in positions of authority may influence your life for the better.

Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect

☷ Improper | Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎

Group Action 師 ䷆(纠正) O36, H7 ✅ Correct
Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect
Union 比 ䷇(联合) O21, H8 ⛳ Fit
Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect

Attention > ST6 + 📦 Direct Power 正官 PWR6 Diplomat 📥
Line 3 Changes O36, H7 ✅ 💨 Space

Get rid of any outdated thoughts you may have since holding onto them will only lead to bad luck.

Ascending 升 ䷭(上升) O35, H46 🧗 Mount

☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨

Dispersion 渙 ䷺(分散) O11, H59 ⏳ Flow
Contemplation 觀 ䷓(沉思) O13, H20 💭 View
Union 比 ䷇(联合) O21, H8 ⛳ Fit
Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect

Missing > ST6 - 🌟 Indirect Wealth 偏财 PWR7 Pioneer 📡
Line 4 Changes O36, H7 ✅ ⚡️ Energy

You've done nothing incorrect. Retreating might be the wise decision on occasion.

Removing Obstacles 解 ䷧(解开) O44, H40 🪢 Untangle

☳ Half | Full T6 Thunder 震 Zhen ⚡️

Danger 坎 ䷜(保护) O17, H29 🌵 Protect
Union 比 ䷇(联合) O21, H8 ⛳ Fit
Removing Obstacles 解 ䷧(解开) O44, H40 🪢 Untangle
Harmony 豫 ䷏(和谐) O46, H16 🔊 Excite

Danger > ST6 + 🔆 Direct Wealth 正财 PWR8 Director ☯️
Line 5 Changes O36, H7 ✅ 🌊 Time

Be cautious in your speech and avoid attempting to have others do your task for you.

Danger 坎 ䷜(保护) O17, H29 🌵 Protect

☵ Hidden | Visible T3 Water 坎 Kan 🌊

Danger 坎 ䷜(保护) O17, H29 🌵 Protect
Union 比 ䷇(联合) O21, H8 ⛳ Fit
Danger 坎 ䷜(保护) O17, H29 🌵 Protect
Group Action 師 ䷆(纠正) O36, H7 ✅ Correct

Bug > ST6 + 🌟 Eating God 食神 PWR9 Artist 🧩
Line 6 Changes O36, H7 ✅ 🏔 Time

Don't copy other people's ideas; instead, follow your own. Now is the perfect time to accomplish something great.

Inexperience 蒙 ䷃(尝试) O28, H4 ❓ Try Again

☶ Seemly | Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔

Danger 坎 ䷜(保护) O17, H29 🌵 Protect
Union 比 ䷇(联合) O21, H8 ⛳ Fit
Inexperience 蒙 ䷃(尝试) O28, H4 ❓ Try Again
Splitting Apart 剝 ䷖(修剪) O29, H23 ✂️ Trim

Example > ST6 - 🧮 Hurting Officer 伤管 PWR10 Performer 📹
Octagons O36, H7 ✅

O36 ✅ Octagons

Trigrams O36, H7 ✅

☵ Hidden / Visible T3 Water 坎 Kan 🌊
☷ Improper / Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎

Pillars O36, H7 ✅ > Pillar Logic

Forms Connections with other Main Pillars

Forecast O36, H7 ✅ > Matter

M59- Drawing Out 己壬 - 地网高张
M60- Torturous Process 己癸 - 地刑玄武

EB1 子 Zi - EB8 未 Wei (-5) (+3)

EB1 - EB8

EB9 申 Shen - EB1 子 Zi (-4) (+4)

EB9 - EB1