O5, H12 ⌚
Typeplot > Octagons > O5, H12 ⌚
Summary > ST6 +💧 Friends 比肩 PWR1 Peer 🔭


Standstill 否 ䷋(放出) O5, H12 ⌚ Release

Arrogance is not useful. Don't be carried away until you're able to back your claims.

Stagnation, Decadence, Misfortune, Disharmony, Time of Inactivity, Numbness, Misunderstand, Ignorance, Pulling Apart, Discontinuity, Disengagement, Alienation, Denial, Disapproval, Non-Participation, Practicing Selection, Discord, Abstraction, Decision Making Time

Todo > ST6 - ❄️ Rob Wealth 劫财 PWR2 Leader 🚀
Hidden Influence O5, H12 ⌚

During this time, it is possible to acquire new knowledge, abilities, or methods of communicating with the external environment. One must set aside expectations, presumptions, and impatience in order to learn how to remain steady.

Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom

Splitting Apart 剝 ䷖(修剪) O29, H23 ✂️ Trim
Great Accumulation 大畜 ䷙(放大) O26, H26 🏛 Amplify
Contemplation 觀 ䷓(沉思) O13, H20 💭 View
Taming Force 小畜 ䷈(出产) O10, H9 📊 Yield

Important > ST6 - 🔒 Indirect Resource 偏印 PWR3 Philosopher 🔋
Underlying Cause O5, H12 ⌚

A situation may become stagnant after a period of tranquilly. In order for progress to continue, you are expected to release something. It takes patience to let go of your feeling of hurry and let things work themselves out. Everything in life evolves and progresses; nothing stands still.

Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix

Standstill 否 ䷋(放出) O5, H12 ⌚ Release
Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix
Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect
Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix

Quote > ST6 + 🔑 Direct Resource 正印 PWR4 Analyzer ✏️
Line 1 Changes O5, H12 ⌚ ⚡️ Energy

It's important for you to mingle with diverse cultures. Be willing to test out your own ideas and stick to what you believe in.

Innocence 無妄 ䷘(无辜) O6, H25 📖 Open

☳ Half | Full T6 Thunder 震 Zhen ⚡️

Harmony 豫 ䷏(和谐) O46, H16 🔊 Excite
Great Power 大壯 ䷡(刺激) O42, H34 🔌 Invigorate
Standstill 否 ䷋(放出) O5, H12 ⌚ Release
Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order

Question > ST6 - 🏝 Indirect Power 偏官 PWR5 Warrior 🧭
Line 2 Changes O5, H12 ⌚ 🌊 Time

Despite the obstacles in your way, adapt to what comes your way. Although it will take some time and persistence, you are starting to grasp how to handle your problems.

Conflict 訟 ䷅(保持) O3, H6 ✊ Keep

☵ Hidden | Visible T3 Water 坎 Kan 🌊

Union 比 ䷇(联合) O21, H8 ⛳ Fit
Waiting 需 ䷄(发现) O18, H5 🔭 Find
Standstill 否 ䷋(放出) O5, H12 ⌚ Release
Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order

Attention > ST6 + 📦 Direct Power 正官 PWR6 Diplomat 📥
Line 3 Changes O5, H12 ⌚ 🏔 Time

Don't attempt anything difficult; you lack the self-assurance and expertise required. You're now barely able to keep up with your workload. Refuse any questionable offers.

Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw

☶ Seemly | Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔

Splitting Apart 剝 ䷖(修剪) O29, H23 ✂️ Trim
Great Accumulation 大畜 ䷙(放大) O26, H26 🏛 Amplify
Standstill 否 ䷋(放出) O5, H12 ⌚ Release
Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order

Missing > ST6 - 🌟 Indirect Wealth 偏财 PWR7 Pioneer 📡
Line 4 Changes O5, H12 ⌚ 💨 Space

Address any blockages right away. Happiness is near by.

Contemplation 觀 ䷓(沉思) O13, H20 💭 View

☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨

Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect
Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix
Contemplation 觀 ䷓(沉思) O13, H20 💭 View
Taming Force 小畜 ䷈(出产) O10, H9 📊 Yield

Danger > ST6 + 🔆 Direct Wealth 正财 PWR8 Director ☯️
Line 5 Changes O5, H12 ⌚ 🔥 Matter

Retire, take a break, and let things go. You shouldn't worry too much because things are improving.

Progress 晉 ䷢(进步) O54, H35 🚦 Enlighten

☲ Big | Small T7 Fire 離 Li 🔥

Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect
Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix
Progress 晉 ䷢(进步) O54, H35 🚦 Enlighten
Abundance 大有 ䷍(丰富) O50, H14 ℹ️ Shine

Bug > ST6 + 🌟 Eating God 食神 PWR9 Artist 🧩
Line 6 Changes O5, H12 ⌚ ❄️ Matter

What you once perceived as a challenge ends up being a reason to celebrate. Dark days are behind you.

Gathering Together 萃 ䷬(联播) O62, H45 🤝 Network

☱ Difficult | Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️

Responsive 坤 ䷁(思考) O33, H2 🧭 Reflect
Peace 泰 ䷊(和平) O34, H11 💬 Mix
Gathering Together 萃 ䷬(联播) O62, H45 🤝 Network
Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough

Example > ST6 - 🧮 Hurting Officer 伤管 PWR10 Performer 📹
Octagons O5, H12 ⌚

O5 ⌚ Octagons

Trigrams O5, H12 ⌚

☷ Improper / Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎
☰ Real / False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌

Pillars O5, H12 ⌚ > Pillar Logic

PL41 Geng Shen 庚申 PL41 Standstill 否 ䷋(放出) O5, H12 ⌚ Release

Forecast O5, H12 ⌚ > Matter

M66- Helpless Victim 庚己 - 官伏刑格

EB8 未 Wei - EB11 戌 Xu (-4) (+2)

EB8 - EB11

EB9 申 Shen - EB12 亥 Hai (-7) (+2)

EB9 - EB12

EB11 戌 Xu - EB9 申 Shen (-3) (+1)

EB11 - EB9

EB12 亥 Hai - EB8 未 Wei (-4) (+2)

EB12 - EB8