Reciprocity, Interaction, Embrace, Affinity, Incentives, Interest, Mutual Attraction, Complements, Courtship, Healthy Combination, Sensuality, Common Interests, Meeting Each Other's Needs
Look for solutions where cooperation between all stakeholders is advantageous. When both parties who are attracted to each other meet, something significant occurs. Being together makes them feel more whole. Trust blooms as a result. Because it feels natural, the circumstance has the effect of propelling everyone ahead. You draw into your life the events that are now on your mind. Keep your attention on the bright side and be grateful for how life has helped you grow.
■ ■ Coming Together 姤 ䷫(遇到) O2, H44 🧬 Encounter
■ ■ Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
■ ■ Inner Sincerity 中孚 ䷼(信任) O16, H61 🆔 Trust
■ ■ Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
■ ■ Tread Wisely 履 ䷉(谨慎) O8, H10 🚸 Cautious Advance
After a period loss and learning how to make the best of it, the time has now come to open to how life is affecting you. Take the time to reflect on how this situation is impacting you. Identify and address any negative thoughts or emotions that are preventing you from moving on. Be proactive and understand how this situation is affecting you so that you can take steps to manage your emotions and maintain a positive outlook. You may be able to identify areas in which you need to make changes or adjustments in order to continue living a happy and fulfilling life.
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
Even if it is challenging to see what you need to accomplish, have a look around, try to figure it out.
■ ■ Revolution 革 ䷰(改变) O64, H49 🪄 Transform
■ ☲ Big | Small T7 Fire 離 Li 🔥
■ ■ Wanderer 旅 ䷷(探索) O53, H56 🎫 Explore
■ ■ Diversity 睽 ䷥(多样) O56, H38 ☯️ Accommodate
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
Wait patiently until you are required to act, then put in the proper amount of effort when necessary.
■ ■ Excess 大過 ䷛(过剩) O59, H28 🎛 Adjust
■ ☴ Honest | Crooked T2 Wind 巽 Xun 💨
■ ■ Gradual Progress 漸 ䷴(逐渐) O12, H53 🏗️ Bloom
■ ■ Inner Sincerity 中孚 ䷼(信任) O16, H61 🆔 Trust
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
Don't move from your current location for now. Others will appear and instruct you on how to approach the situation. Be careful not to act erratically or be swayed by your emotions.
■ ■ Gathering Together 萃 ䷬(联播) O62, H45 🤝 Network
■ ☷ Improper | Proper T5 Earth 坤 Kun 🌎
■ ■ Modesty 謙 ䷎(谦虚) O37, H15 ⚖️ Balance
■ ■ Approach 臨 ䷒(途径) O40, H19 🗺 Advance
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
■ ■ Joy 兌 ䷹(欢乐) O57, H58 💵 Encourage
You are having trouble deciding, but if you give it some serious thought, you might be able to choose a course of action that you can maintain. Refrain from using people as leverage for now. Trying to manipulate others to do your bidding will not end well.
■ ■ Ceasing Movement 蹇 ䷦(明白) O20, H39 🎯 Clear
■ ☵ Hidden | Visible T3 Water 坎 Kan 🌊
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
■ ■ Ceasing Movement 蹇 ䷦(明白) O20, H39 🎯 Clear
■ ■ Control 節 ䷻(控制) O24, H60 📛 Regulate
The outcome of the budding relationship will be great but you must maintain composure and refrain from getting too excited initially.
■ ■ Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve
■ ☳ Half | Full T6 Thunder 震 Zhen ⚡️
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
■ ■ Small Excesses 小過 ䷽(保存) O45, H62 🚧 Conserve
■ ■ Decency 歸妹 ䷵(风化) O48, H54 🧰 Subordinate
Speaking is one thing, but only action will lead to the necessary improvements. Don't attempt to tackle the entire issue at once; instead, take things one step at a time.
■ ■ Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
■ ☰ Real | False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌
■ ■ Bound 艮 ䷳(考虑) O25, H52 ⚓️ Consider
■ ■ Decrease 損 ䷨(减少) O32, H41 📉 Evaluate
■ ■ Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
■ ■ Tread Wisely 履 ䷉(谨慎) O8, H10 🚸 Cautious Advance
■ ■ O61 🔮 Octagons
■ ☶ Seemly / Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔
■ ☱ Difficult / Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
PL43 Xin Chou 辛丑 PL43 ■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
M75- Competitive Advantage 辛戊 - 龙虎争强
■ ■ EB2 - EB10
■ ■ EB10 - EB3