■ ■ Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough
■ EB11 戌 Xu 🐕 Dog 狗 Gou 🌌 ■ ■ Space
■ EB1 子 Zi 🐀 Rat 鼠 Shu 🌊 ■ ■ Time
■ ■ Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
■ ■ Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough
■ ■ Conflict 訟 ䷅(保持) O3, H6 ✊ Keep
■ ■ Exhaustion 困 ䷮(适应) O60, H47 🔋 Adapt
Others will listen when spoken to with radiance and brightness. Usually needs longer time to mature. Often in powerful positions in society with the ability to reach out and influence many people. Possessing strong intuition and inner guidance, acting as a source of indispensable advice and insight.
■ ■ Waiting 需 ䷄(发现) O18, H5 🔭 Find
■ ☰ Real | False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌
■ ☱ Difficult | Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
■ ☵ Hidden | Visible T3 Water 坎 Kan 🌊