■ ■ Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough
■ EB11 戌 Xu 🐕 Dog 狗 Gou 🌌 ■ ■ Space
■ EB2 丑 Chou 🐂 Ox 牛 Niu 🏔 ■ ■ Time
■ ■ Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
■ ■ Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough
■ ■ Retreat 遯 ䷠(提取) O4, H33 ✏️ Draw
■ ■ Influence 咸 ䷞(影响) O61, H31 🔮 Woo
Illness befalling family members due to stubbornness, with the tendency to wander looking for fights. Blind to problems due to inner conflict, exhaustion or negligence.
■ ■ Great Accumulation 大畜 ䷙(放大) O26, H26 🏛 Amplify
■ ☰ Real | False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌
■ ☱ Difficult | Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
■ ☶ Seemly | Unseemly T4 Mountain 艮 Gen 🏔