AI80 - 🕯 Isolate 天煞 EB4 - EB11
Typeplot > Intelligence > AI80 - 🕯 Isolate 天煞 EB4 - EB11
AI80 - 🕯 Isolate 天煞 EB4 - EB11 金 🔑 E4 Metal 🌌 ❄️

Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough

EB4 卯 Mao 🐇 Rabbit 兔 Tu ⚡️ Energy
EB11 戌 Xu 🐕 Dog 狗 Gou 🌌 Space

Innocence 無妄 ䷘(无辜) O6, H25 📖 Open
Following 隨 ䷐(跟随) O63, H17 👣 Show By Example
Initiating 乾 ䷀(订) O1, H1 🎬 Order
Removing Corruption 夬 ䷪(突破) O58, H43 ⛏ Breakthrough

Important - Individuality, Self-reliance, Segregation

Illness befalling family members due to stubbornness, with the tendency to wander looking for fights. Blind to problems due to inner conflict, exhaustion or negligence.

M62± Easily Spoilt 庚乙 - 太白贪合

Innocence 無妄 ䷘(无辜) O6, H25 📖 Open

☰ Real | False T1 Heaven 乾 Qian 🌌
☱ Difficult | Easy T8 Lake 兌 Dui ❄️
☳ Half | Full T6 Thunder 震 Zhen ⚡️

Quote > ST6 + 🔑 Direct Resource 正印 PWR4 Analyzer ✏️

O6 - O4 Product | Assets

Important > ST6 - 🔒 Indirect Resource 偏印 PWR3 Philosopher 🔋

O6 - O60 Destiny | Partner