■ HS4 丁 Ding 🌟 Yin Fire Heaven Plate 🔥 ■ ■ Matter
■ HS1 甲 Jia 🧮 Yang Wood Earth Plate 💨 ■ ■ Space
■ ☱ Difficult | Easy ❄️ ■ ■ Matter
■ ☲ Big | Small 🔥 ■ ■ Matter
■ ■ Revolution 革 ䷰(改变) O64, H49 🪄 Transform
■ ■ Brightness 離 ䷝(亮度) O49, H30 📡 Perceive
■ ■ Excess 大過 ䷛(过剩) O59, H28 🎛 Adjust
■ ■ Establishing 鼎 ䷱(建立) O51, H50 ⚗️ Refine
外官进级,鸿图大展,求谋最宜 - Bright Green Dragon > Indicative of promotions and career development. Goals will be easily achieved due to favorable conditions. When conditions are favorable and goals can be achieved easily, this is indicative of a well-functioning team and a positive work environment. This can provide a sense of motivation and drive to continue to strive for success. It is also important to recognize that even when conditions are not as favorable, it is possible to still achieve success through hard work and dedication.
■ ■ Establishing 鼎 ䷱(建立) O51, H50 ⚗️ Refine
■ ☴ Honest | Crooked 💨 ■ ■ Space
■ ☳ Half | Full ⚡️ ■ ■ Energy
■ ■ Family 家人 ䷤(帮) O15, H37 🏠 Support
■ ■ Prosperity 豐 ䷶(繁荣) O47, H55 🖖 Fulfill
■ ■ Penetration 巽 ䷸(穿透) O9, H57 📹 Penetrate
■ ■ Perseverance 恆 ䷟(毅力) O43, H32 ⏱ Commit
Favorable conditions for any commercial dealings with governmental organizations or commodities trade. Discussions on policies and contracts in particular are quite likely to be successful. This person should develop a humble, sociable demeanor and a readiness to be adaptable. That will ensure a peaceful resolution to any problems. To guarantee a successful end, they should adhere to proper protocol and practice total transparency in their commercial operations.
■ ■ Establishing 鼎 ䷱(建立) O51, H50 ⚗️ Refine
■ ☲ Big | Small 🔥 ■ ■ Matter
■ ■ Brightness 離 ䷝(亮度) O49, H30 📡 Perceive
■ ■ Brightness 離 ䷝(亮度) O49, H30 📡 Perceive
■ ■ Establishing 鼎 ䷱(建立) O51, H50 ⚗️ Refine
■ ■ Family 家人 ䷤(帮) O15, H37 🏠 Support
Relationships where the foundation of a happy romance is having common intellectual or aesthetic passions. Being naturally refined and stylish will make a lasting impact on your companion. Dates will be especially successful if it occurs in a chic setting like an art gallery, exhibition, or upscale restaurant. Love will grow more quickly if your companion is tolerant and accommodative.
■ ■ Establishing 鼎 ䷱(建立) O51, H50 ⚗️ Refine
■ ☶ Seemly | Unseemly 🏔 ■ ■ Time
■ ☷ Improper | Proper 🌎 ■ ■ Energy
■ ■ Adornment 賁 ䷕(接受) O31, H22 ✨ Accept
■ ■ Repressed 明夷 ䷣(压抑) O39, H36 🧠 Reignite
■ ■ Stopping Decay 蠱 ䷑(补救) O27, H18 💊 Remedy
■ ■ Ascending 升 ䷭(上升) O35, H46 🧗 Mount
The exam's questions will turn out to be considerably simpler than expected. Therefore, it should be possible for this student to score well on both public and private tests. There is potential for success if their preparation is comprehensive. The student will benefit from this while seeking to get a job or a spot at their favorite institution. Both the entrance examinations for public schools and the career assessments for government agencies will provide favorable outcomes.
■ ■ Establishing 鼎 ䷱(建立) O51, H50 ⚗️ Refine
■ ☰ Real | False 🌌 ■ ■ Space
■ ☱ Difficult | Easy ❄️ ■ ■ Matter
■ ■ Companionship 同人䷌(友谊) O7, H13 📁 Organize
■ ■ Revolution 革 ䷰(改变) O64, H49 🪄 Transform
■ ■ Coming Together 姤 ䷫(遇到) O2, H44 🧬 Encounter
■ ■ Excess 大過 ䷛(过剩) O59, H28 🎛 Adjust
The patient's affliction will be given the appropriate care, resulting in recovery and restoration of health. The journey to recovery for the patient will be aided by the doctor in charge's extensive pathological expertise as well as the hospital's general positive environment.
■ ■ Establishing 鼎 ䷱(建立) O51, H50 ⚗️ Refine
■ ☵ Hidden | Visible 🌊 ■ ■ Time
■ ■ Completion 既濟 ䷾(完成) O23, H63 🎓 Renew
■ ■ Unfinished 未濟 ䷿(完成前) O52, H64 🔜 Prepare
■ ■ Mutual Helpfulness 井 ䷯(鼓舞) O19, H48 🚀 Inspire
■ ■ Dispersion 渙 ䷺(分散) O11, H59 ⏳ Flow
Exposure inside a creative setting that stimulates and fosters feelings of advancement and wealth is indeed a life-enriching opportunity. Activities like dance and music and art galleries will be beneficial. Good products are conveniently accessible for sale whilst enjoying hours at retail stores or boutiques.